Sunday, December 19, 2010


Lu Lu is a very unusual dog indeed and she has become somewhat of a celebrity in Zhumadian, Henan Province, China where she lives with her owners. The 18 month-old Miniature Pinscher prefers to walk upright on her back legs while toting a teddy bear-shaped purse that holds her own waste bags wherever she goes. Her owner, Zhou Guanshun, a retired teacher, taught the dog to walk on two legs by holding one of its front paws. “Lu Lu was given to us by a friend and we loved her instantly. She learned to walk upright when he was just four months old, and hasn’t stopped,” Zhou told the press. Adorable Lu Lu travels every morning with her owner to the nearby Century Square for a walk among local exercisers who love her and bring her snacks. Lu Lu is a star in her own right, but she demands no special dressing room or privileges. She just needs space to walk upright and room for her adoring fans. Even when she rests, she prefers to squat on her back legs while keeping her body upright and her front legs off the ground.

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