Wednesday, April 7, 2010


"DeMint's main work has been opposing the increase of Federal government spending, both under the Bush and Obama Administrations. He was opposed to federal bailouts for banks and other corporations. For his stances on budgetary issues, DeMint has been strongly supported by the conservative political group Club for Growth. He was ranked as the most conservative United States Senator by National Journal in 2007 and 2008. DeMint has been a consistent supporter of school prayer and has introduced legislation that would allow schools to display banners such as one stating "God Bless America". DeMint is a member of the C Street Family, a Christian prayer group which includes many prominent Republican members of Congress that has been referred to as fundamentalist. In the Senate, DeMint introduced a failed amendment to change the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate accountability legislation.[citation needed] On the issue of immigration, DeMint favors requiring all illegal immigrants in the United States to return to their home countries and apply for legal residency. He is also against the Guest Worker program and is in favor of establishing English as the country's official language. DeMint was one of two Senators, along with David Vitter, to vote against Hillary Clinton's confirmation to become the United States Secretary of State. Following an attempted terrorist attack on December 25, 2009, DeMint criticized President Barack Obama for lacking focus on terrorism since taking office and for failing to appoint a head of the Transportation Security Administration. Demint has also had a singular role in blocking a vote on Obama's nominee for the position, Erroll Southers.

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